Get Mortgage Knowledge and a Better Rate

You probably know someone who would like help understanding how to get approved. Or how to get better mortgage knowledge and a better rate, maybe the best interest rate for a mortgage. Or help understanding the reverse mortgage process. News commentary and helpful discussions can be found in the News/Commentary articles. Browse articles individually or by category of interest. Feel free to share articles.

Help your friends/family. Refer them and provide a link to on your social media! But better yet, the ultimate guide to planning and preparation is available in Winning Mortgage, Winning Home. As everyone knows, the search results from google and others first return results for the lenders who pay the most for the ads to be on the first pages. And, the lenders paying the most to advertise can’t offer the best interest rate? If it cost more overall to make the loan, can it offer your the lowest costs?

Winning Mortgage, Winning Home helps borrowers to understand and overcome obstacles. It provides guidance against surprises, rate shocks and unexpected fees/charges. What is best for a first time buyer? For an over 40 borrower? Got kids in college–what should you consider? What factors make it advantageous to refinance? When should I consolidate credit card debt or student loans? How can you use the lender DTI calculations to your advantage?

What are some of today’s best rates and the underlying RNY? Get FNMA’s Current Interest rate for 30 year mortgages today! But, can you get these rates? Will you have to settle for a higher rate due to DTI, Credit Score, LTV and PMI? Don’t go in blind – get better mortgage knowledge and a better rate.

Purchase Winning Mortgage, Winning Home Book.  Get mortgage knowledge and a Better Rate
De-mystifying loan pricing, the loan process and buying questions.