Conforming Loan Limit Not Affordable

Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FHLMC) represent the gorillas in the home loan market. Since both are in conservatorship (they went broke in 2008) under the federal government, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) exerts total control over them. These two entities are referred to as Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) since they have always had a federal government related […]

Lagging New Home Sales

The housing market experienced substantial price appreciation over the past 24 months.  Recently, the rate of increase has fallen. In mid 2021, various reports showed the price of an average house up about 20% year over year.  But the number of existing home sales fell for three straight months before a brief stabilization. In November, the sales index fell 2.2% […]

Federal Reserve Pushing Rates Up

Updated. EXERCISE CAUTION in all home and market investments for the next 60 days! Many data points released on November 24 show the Federal Reserve has room to become more aggressive in fighting inflation. With the Federal Reserve pushing rates up now, their previous rate forecast looks incompetent. The Federal Reserve ignored the broad evaluations of top economists of every […]

Federal Reserve Wakes Up to Its Blundering Policy Mis-Management

Updated. Finally, the Federal Reserve Wakes Up to Its Blundering Policy Mis-Management. It took a long time, but apparently the Fed recognized what we have said for most of the year. The Fed is the primary culprit in policy mis-management in causing runaway inflation. Federal Reserve officials intensified their battle against the hottest inflation in a generation. It shifted the […]

Inflation Continues To Accelerate

As predicted in our prior posts, inflation continues to accelerate. Although there may be occasional blips, inflation has trended upward with the current massive spending by Washington. Combined with the admitted major errors by the Federal Reserve on interest rates, most in America continue to see prices jump everywhere on everything. Will this reverse or slow down? That depends on […]

Get Mortgage Knowledge and a Better Rate

You probably know someone who would like help understanding how to get approved. Or how to get better mortgage knowledge and a better rate, maybe the best interest rate for a mortgage. Or help understanding the reverse mortgage process. News commentary and helpful discussions can be found in the News/Commentary articles. Browse articles individually or by category of interest. Feel […]

Energy Costs Skyrocket

Most Americans have seen energy costs skyrocket this fall/winter. Homeowners in the United States might be in for a costly winter. Oil and natural gas prices continue to climb higher as supply struggles to keep up with demand. Prices continued to increase as the temperatures dropped across the country. The price of natural gas used to heat homes across the […]