What is Your Flood Zone?

Chances are a buyer knows nothing about the potential flood risk on the home the buyer fell in love with and the one on which an offer has been made.  Some real estate agents’ websites may provide a note as to the flood zone for listed properties, but is it accurate?  What does the letter for the flood zone mean?  […]

FOMO : Driving Current Home Sales?

Many stories in the news recently credit a spike in home sales and home sale prices to the pandemic.  The theme consistently refers to Work From Home job moves from high cost locations to suburban or remote locations.  Clearly, moving from high cost, high density housing or rentals to a larger home provides more space. A more relaxed location with […]

First Time Home Buyer Assistance

Are you a first time home buyer? Are you representing a first time home buyer? Do you have friends who are first time home buyers? Many states offer assistance, but the money availability can be limited. The assistance isn’t always free, but it can be very close to it. Let’s look at the Texas program – My First Texas Home. […]

What’s in The Title?

What’s in the title? Title insurance that is. For most buyers, not a clue. Schedule A? Schedule B? Perhaps Schedule C? Schedule D? Any mention of these likely draws blank stares. And yet, a borrower risks losing the house and potentially a lot of money by not knowing what’s in the title. Title insurance plays a different role than casualty […]

FHA or Conventional?

For many borrowers, there is a lack of knowledge when to use FHA or conventional loans.  Often the lender decides for the borrower at the time of application.  The lender might decide to put a borrower in the program generating the highest commission. It may or may not go well; the borrower may be in the wrong loan program. Or […]

Should You Waive Escrows?

Perhaps you have found that it is possible to waive some or all escrows for your loan.  Should you? Escrowing money each money for property taxes, property insurance and other items (PMI, flood insurance) is designed to make sure that the taxes and insurance is paid timely and there is sufficient money available to do that when each payment comes […]

Can You Waive Escrows?

Like everything, it depends.  You can waive escrows with approval.  In follow-up posts, we’ll examine whether you should waive escrows, possible problems and other factors to consider. A number of scenarios cover whether you can waive escrows.  Scenario 1.          You take out a mortgage and it is less than 80% LTV when you take it out. If it’s a conventional […]

Should you, can you, avoid escrowing taxes and insurance?

It’s automatic, take out a mortgage loan and the lender sets it up with an escrow account holding your money to pay property taxes, property insurance, private mortgage insurance and perhaps other charges.  We’ll examine this from different perspectives in multiple posts. Can you waive escrows? Which ones? What’s the cost? Should you waive escrows? Pros and Cons; Risks and […]

First Time Home Buyer Education Requirement

As a first time home buyer, you may have educational requirements of mandatory counseling prior to qualifying for a mortgage. This is an additional step which may take time. Do you have this step in your plan and in your preparation? Do you need to borrow 95% of the purchase price? Are you a Realtor helping first time home buyers? […]

Down Payment Basics

It’s possible for home buyers to get a conventional mortgage with a down payment as low as 3%. However, the down payment requirement will vary based on your personal situation and the type of loan or property you’re getting. FHA mortgage requirements differ. VA mortgages can come with as little as no down payment. The down payment basics can be […]