
Today’s Mortgage Rates From BankRate

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Mortgage News From CNBC

News From MortgageReports

HUD declared it would once again be backing FHA mortgages for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients. The change was implemented by now former HUD Secretary Ben Carson and Deputy Secretary Brian D. Montgomery. UPDATE: In July 2021 DACA was declared illegal.

Prepare for the rise in mortgage rates

Is Your Mortgage Process Going Entirely Paperless? Testing of Digital Mortgage Notes Launched in 2021.

5 million missed rent or mortgage payments in December. In all, 18% of mortgage holders received permission from their lender to delay or reduce their monthly payment in December.

And your next mortgage comes from…..Walmart?

Figure Technologies CEO and co-founder Mike Cagney said that when it comes to watching out for non-endemic players impacting the real estate market, he has his eye on Walmart.

“Everyone should be taking notice of the moves that Walmart’s making, because they’re absolutely going to come into the mortgage space,” Cagney said at HousingWire’s 2021 Spring Summit event on Thursday.

FinLedger previously reported that Walmart announced it was teaming up with fintech investment firm Ribbit Capital to create a new fintech startup that will offer “innovative and affordable” financial products.

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