New Inflation Data

New inflation data shows why many can’t buy a house or afford rent. But the Consumer Price Index, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, paints a false picture that inflation is now running low. Prices keep going up. Maybe they are rising a little slower, but that help is too little, too late. Pick up Winning Mortgage, Winning Home to see if better planning and knowledge of mortgages, home buying and budgeting can help you.

Why does CPI measured by Biden-Harris fall so much lower than the major categories it tracks? And which of these affect you and everyone day to day except the wealthy? Deliberate misinformation? A bug in the methodology? Any working person sees the effects of the higher rises in costs, not the lower CPI calculated. If so, maybe its time for new, true inflation data to get published. Or a better way to approximate reality as people encounter it at the grocery store and their daily lives.

How Did Inflation Get Out of Hand?

Elections have consequences and many people voted for higher inflation, higher crime, higher illegal immigration with Biden-Harris. They got what they voted for. Those are all directly linked. Will they vote the same way this year? If so, expect a big resurgence of inflation in 2025. Despite all the negative effects, many voters are single issue voters. They vote one way because their peers do. Or their parents do. Or they were indoctrinated in college. Or they have one specific issue that overrides all else affecting them. Are you a one issue voter? Does that issue really and truly factor into your life or is it more propaganda/principal despite everything else affecting you?

Are things better or worse for you? Buying a house and getting an affordable mortgage (or even affordable rent) is an issue which requires thinking and voting. It requires encouraging new housing, supporting free markets, stopping governmental over-reach, and finding better government officials in Washington, in your state, and in your city. But, if you have a single issue on which you base your vote and that doesn’t address any of the above items, you will be subject to the whims of the bureaucrats and the policies they dictate. The Biden-Harris administration has been the chief architect of inflation, illegal immigration, massive regulation, upside down energy policies, the poor and middle class paying the rich, hundreds of billions of spending being sent to Democratic donor’s companies. As a result, housing isn’t affordable. You do the math.

Many feel that socialism is an answer. But it has never worked anywhere in the world and has led to tyrants, dictators and authoritarians. Every. Time. But that is being promised now by Harris-Walz. Free things for everyone. But price controls (ignore the resulting shortages). Free speech? Walz specifically said in his acceptance speech – not if you disagree with Harris-Walz. Biden-Harris was the most authoritarian, anti-constitutional administration in 80 years. Harris-Walz says hold my beer!

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