Energy Prices Soar

US Power Prices Rise Most in 41 Years as Inflation Endures. Bidenflation is killing consumers with astronomical increases as Energy prices soar again and again with Biden’s war on fossil fuels. Your electricity price hasn’t risen to $1000 per month yet, but Biden only needs a bit more time to get there.

  • Electricity-price rise of 15.8% is highest since August 1981

September 13, 2022: August electricity bills for US consumers jumped the most since 1981, gaining 15.8% from the same period a year ago, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Natural gas bills, which crept back up last month after dipping in July, surged 33% from the same month last year, labor data released Tuesday showed. Total energy costs were still about 24% above August 2021 levels. Can you be prepared? Pick up a copy of Winning Mortgage, Winning Home from Amazon.

Europe has invested in wind and solar energy while closing dozens of coal-fired power plants over the past decade. When it is cloudy or the wind is low, and demand is high, Europe doesn’t have the capacity to maintain electricity supplies from clean sources.


Here’s a quick chart outlining what electricity production might look like under 100% “clean energy” with only “renewables” and no fossil fuels in Europe. How do those EVs work there in Europe with no fossil fuels to produce electricity to charge them? Coming to America under the Green New Deal: lots of electric vehicles with no way to charge them either!