
About My Winning Mortgage.

Mortgage education will increase the more you know about the mortgage process and mortgage pricing. Afterwards, you have better preparation to qualify for a mortgage, afford a mortgage, and find the right mortgage. You want to timely obtain that right mortgage. An also you want to profitably refinance when appropriate, and get the best appropriate mortgage rate. Winning Mortgage, Winning Home and mywinningmortgage.com go beyond the rate only. What do you know about the proper insurance coverage? Title? Survey? Inspections? The Approval Process?

With more than 30 years experience in real estate banking, lending, finance and consulting for national and international clients, our team provides unique insights and commentary. Dive into the detailed education book Winning Mortgage, Winning Home. As a result, uou will better understand rates, improving a rate, improving qualifying, buying tips and must-haves, and much more. Purchase the book and take the first step.

We provide other education resources. Links to actual mortgage pricing and qualifying information, not useless generalities. We provide links to qualified additional resources such as property insurance information. Links to government information and programs. Blog updates.

The Right Mortgage

Don’t randomly apply for a mortgage. More than 1 million mortgage applications are denied every year. This wastes time and money for borrowers, real estate agents, buyers, and sellers. Know what you need to know up front. It may not be the answer you want. But it will guide you towards getting the answer you want, even if it’s in the future. Don’t jump into bidding wars. Regret comes from hasty decisions and lack of planning. You can lock in the right home and the right mortgage and do it the right way to avoid regret. An uninformed decision completed in a few days can lead to untold pain for 30 years. Get it right the first time.